
Understanding Trademark Law Protections

Overcoming Corporate Roadblocks with a Corporate Lawyer

Running a business can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging. One of the biggest challenges businesses face is dealing with legal issues. These issues can range from hiring practices to intellectual property disputes. As a business owner, it's vital to have a legal expert you can rely on to navigate these issues. That's where a corporate lawyer can come in. Keep reading for a closer look at how a corporate lawyer can help you overcome corporate roadblocks in your business. Read More 

The Benefits of Having an Estate Planning Attorney: Why You Should Consider One

As you go through life, you often accumulate many valuable assets that you cherish and want to pass on to your loved ones after you are gone. But without proper planning, you may leave your families to sort out your affairs with a lot of confusion and stress. This is where the importance of having an estate planning attorney comes in. Estate planning attorneys help create legally binding documents that ensure your assets are protected and passed on according to your wishes. Read More 

Recognizing the Indicators for Contacting a Probate Attorney

Navigating the complex world of estate planning and probate law can be an overwhelming task. However, recognizing the key signs when it's time to seek guidance from a probate attorney is crucial. This post outlines several indicators that signal the need to consult with a probate attorney. Administration of an Estate When tasked with administering an estate as an executor or personal representative, it's highly advisable to seek legal counsel. A probate attorney can provide valuable assistance in understanding and fulfilling all legal obligations, ensuring the smooth execution of the probate process. Read More 

What Is The Importance Of Hiring A Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are always unplanned and can cause both physical and emotional trauma to those involved. Besides, they can result in financial strain regarding medical bills, car repairs, and lost wages. Nevertheless, a car accident attorney can provide invaluable guidance during these arduous circumstances. Discover the importance of hiring a car accident attorney and how they can assist you in getting the compensation you rightfully deserve. 1. Understanding the legal system  Read More 

3 Strategies To Reduce Your Spousal Support Pyaments

Are you divorced or facing divorce? Do you have to pay your former spouse alimony? If so, you may feel that the payment amount is excessive, or it may be unaffordable. The good news is you have options to reduce your alimony payment. It's not easy to adjust an alimony payment, but it is possible. It's nearly always best to start with a conversation directly with your former spouse. If the two of you can agree on a new payment amount, the process will go much quicker. Read More 

About Me

Understanding Trademark Law Protections

Welcome, I'm Darby Church. I'd like to share my journey from retail manager to business owner using this website. My attempts to start a business of my own were complicated by the actions of an unethical party. In short, I shared too much information about my products and they were stolen before I could get the business off the ground. Luckily, I had already filed a trademark for those items, which meant they were protected by the law. I still had to hire a lawyer to help me win the case. I took the complaint to court to end the run of products from my unlawful competitor, so I could start running my business. The process enlightened me about the ins and outs of trademark law. I hope my experience can help you avoid the same pitfalls or fight for your products with help from a lawyer. Thanks for visiting.