
Understanding Trademark Law Protections

A Guide to Determining if You Need a Workers Compensation Attorney After a Work Injury

If you have recently been hurt at work, it's important to be aware of what your rights and responsibilities as an injured worker are and it is often necessary to work with an attorney to be given what you deserve. For example, you have a legal responsibility to adhere to the recommendations of your doctor, even if you feel as if your employers are trying to get you to do otherwise in any capacity.  

In addition, it's fairly common for worker's compensation insurance adjusters to delay approving a claim unnecessarily, although you have the right to the necessary treatment for your injury. Therefore, it is crucial to discuss your concerns with an experienced workers compensation attorney if you think that your health is in jeopardy or that your rights to medical care for your work-related injury are being neglected. 

Your Employer Is Making it More Difficult to File a Claim or Adhere to Your Doctor's Recommendations

Unfortunately, many employers or managers are quite unsympathetic to the needs of their injured workers, even though the law is often on the side of the employee. For example, if you have been asked to work a "short shift" or one with light duty, although the doctor has said not to, your boss could be impacting your ability to collect benefits, receive medical care, etc. That is because if it can be established that you did not comply with your doctor's recommendations and you don't heal in a timely manner or the injury was worsened, the employer might nit be liable.

Therefore, it is a good idea to speak with your worker's compensation lawyer and your doctor before making any changes to your work, medications, treatments, activities, etc. in order to guarantee that you can get better. If necessary, your attorney may be able to draft a letter to your employer or manager detailing why you are not coming back to work at that time and mentioning the possible repercussions that might occur if you are forced or pressured into doing so prematurely.    

The Insurance Adjuster Approved Treatments or Ignored Your Situation

The vast majority of employers maintain worker's compensation insurance and in recent years, more than 140 million people have had access to that coverage if they are injured at work. However, once you file a claim, you might find that getting the benefits you deserve is quite challenging.

For instance, it must be determined if you are partially disabled, permanently disabled and what kind of treatment you will require to return to work or to a normal day-to-day life, if possible. As part of that, the determination of cash benefits will similarly be determined, based on the severity and longevity of your injury. Unfortunately, if the adjuster seems to be ignoring your case or coming up with reasons as to why no decisions have been made, you are likely to benefit from a worker's compensation attorney assistance to move things along.

In conclusion, a worker's compensation attorney is often the best person to get you the medical care and financial benefits you deserve after a work-related injury has occurred...even if it seems that your employer or someone associated with the insurance company are dragging their heels. Therefore, you need to have the facts discussed above if you've been hurt at work and you're having trouble enforcing your rights.  

About Me

Understanding Trademark Law Protections

Welcome, I'm Darby Church. I'd like to share my journey from retail manager to business owner using this website. My attempts to start a business of my own were complicated by the actions of an unethical party. In short, I shared too much information about my products and they were stolen before I could get the business off the ground. Luckily, I had already filed a trademark for those items, which meant they were protected by the law. I still had to hire a lawyer to help me win the case. I took the complaint to court to end the run of products from my unlawful competitor, so I could start running my business. The process enlightened me about the ins and outs of trademark law. I hope my experience can help you avoid the same pitfalls or fight for your products with help from a lawyer. Thanks for visiting.